Photo of Attorneys M Brack Massey Charles R Hardee and Kyle M Blodgett

Our Family is Ready to Help Yours


On Behalf of | Jul 24, 2020 | Motorcycle Accidents

The attorney’s at Hardee, Massey & Blodgett, LLP know that often times when people think of motorcyclists, they envision someone who is middle-aged. However, this is not always the case. There are actually many young motorcyclists on the road today, including teens, college students, and young adults. For young people, motorcycle accidents are often especially disruptive to their lives. Young adults may have to miss school or work as a result of the accident, or their dreams are derailed because of injuries they have sustained.

When a young person is involved in a motorcycle crash, they should focus on all aspects of the recovery process. It is important to stay positive, even when facing these hardships may seem unmanageable.

Motorcycle Accident Recovery

The motorcycle collision recovery process can involve everything from dealing with financial concerns, healing physically, and addressing negative emotions like anxiety and depression. As you move forward after a crash, be sure to keep all of these factors in mind. Sometimes motorcycle accidents are relatively minor, and victims are able to return to normalcy fairy quickly. Other times, these crashes can lead to life-long hardships and permanent immobility. Young victims, for example, can have an extremely difficult time adjusting to life in a wheelchair.

Reckless Drivers Should Be Held Responsible

If a motorcycle crash is the result of another driver’s negligence this should require immediate action. Victims of these wrecks, no matter the age, are often put in a difficult position and it is imperative to take a firm stand and protect your legal rights. Young adults involved in these collisions often turn to parents and family members for support, as well as an attorney who is experienced in this practice area. Explore more of our website to learn about your legal options.

If you were involved in any collision, contact the team at Hardee, Massey & Blodgett, LLP today!