Mistakes made while filing a claim can add up to thousands of dollars in lost benefits and days, weeks, and possibly even months of delays trying to straighten things out. When filing an insurance claim after a car accident in eastern North Carolina, there are mistakes you will want to avoid.
Not Filing in a Timely Manner
You should file a claim as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the greater the change that the insurance provider could deny your claim. When possible, you should contact your insurance provider before leaving the scene of the accident. This will get the ball rolling and help reduce the risk of the claim will be denied due to missing a filing deadline.
Not Gathering Evidence/Taking Pictures
The insurance adjuster’s job is to access how much damage was sustained by the vehicle, driver, and passengers. Adjusters are not investigators. so it is imperative that you get photographs and video of the crash scene. Make sure you record the damage to all the vehicles, the road conditions, the lighting, etc. Any thing that can support your claim can be useful. You will also want to gather any eyewitness contact information and any details that security cameras could have captured of the accident.
Misrepresenting the Facts
This simply means – lying. Never lie on any documents you provide to the insurance company or any statements you provide to anyone about your accident. You want to give them the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Honesty isn’t just the best policy; it is the only policy when filing an insurance claim. If you’re ever faced with a question you don’t know or don’t want to answer, a simple “I don’t know” is an acceptable reply.
Providing Too Much Information
You are under no legal obligation to answer your insurance adjuster’s questions or to speak with the other party’s insurance provider. In fact, most attorneys say to not speak to an adjuster or insurance representative. It’s actually advisable to hire an attorney, and to have your attorney handle all communications. This helps protect you from offering information that can be used to deny your insurance claim or used against you in court.
We encourage you contact the team at Hardee, Massey & Blodgett by calling 252-787-4627. Let our team of experienced injury attorneys guide you through the process of filing an insurance claim following a motor vehicle accident in Greenville, North Carolina and surrounding areas.