It’s time to jump in your car and head off to work or on a trip. There are some things that everyone should always do before starting their car and driving off. The things listed below can be done to prevent you, and others, from driving distracted, such as:
- Program the GPS before you back out of your driveway
- Make sure your children and pets are settled and secured
- Set the temperature and radio station
- Put your cell phone away so you won’t be tempted
Make sure all loose items that can cause distractions are put away and secure. If you hear something rattling in a bag or in the glove compartment you will want to check it. In the time it takes you to check the bag or glove compartment an accident can happen. Preparing and securing everything before you drive off should be part of your pre-driving ritual, because you can never be too careful when it comes to avoiding and preventing distracted driving accidents.
Cell phone are the obviously the biggest distracted driving offenders and drivers deal with them every day. We know it’s hard to put this technological wonder down. You want to scroll through social media one last time, send a “quick” text to a friend or call your spouse – the list is endless, and bad habits can be hard to break. And the longer your trip, the harder it becomes to put the phone away, especially if you are traveling alone. With cell phones we never feel we are not alone, but when you use your cell phone you to look away from the road which can lead to a distracted driving accident.
Personal injury attorneys in Greenville, NC
If you or a loved were involved in an accident due to a distracted driver, call the offices of Hardee, Massey & Blodgett. LLP. Our team of knowledgeable attorneys have decades of experience working with these types of cases. Let our team handle the legal matters while you get better. Our goal is to help injured clients and their families receive the compensation they may you deserve for their injuries. Call us for a free consultation today.