Summer is coming to an end. With the University getting ready to back in session, that means the streets of Greenville, North Carolina are going to be busier, especially with pedestrians. We’ve come a long way with added sidewalks, crosswalks and lights, but you still don’t know if a driver or pedestrian is going to follow the rules of the road or be distracted.
People are trying to cross the street to restaurants. Cars trying to turn as traffic backs up. Things become very stressful when school is back in session! Crossing the street shouldn’t be dangerous, and yet it accounts crashes in the county every year. You may feel like every time you cross the street you are putting your life on the line, even when you are following the law.
If someone is distracted, crossing a one-way street can be dangerous. As young children, our parents instilled “look both ways before crossing the street” into our heads. While doing this in a one-way street may seem unnecessary, remember that drivers don’t always pay attention to signs, and roadways can change, which can lead to an accident. You should always be cautious when around moving vehicles.
In the state of North Carolina, pedestrians have the right of way in all crosswalks and driveways – so if you had the right of way and were hit – the driver is at fault. If you are in a crosswalk and you followed a signal’s direction, you were not at fault. If you were crossing a street, and hit by an oncoming vehicle, you should contact an attorney.
You may be injured and trying to recover. Insurance companies can be calling you day and night, trying to blame you for your injuries. They may tell you they are not going to pay your bills. You need an experience personal injury attorney working your case. You need the team of attorneys at Hardee, Massey & Blodgett.
Charles Hardee, Brack Massey and Kyle Blodgett have been helping victims of pedestrian accidents for years. They have over 58 years of experience representing injured parties. Our firm understands the stress insurance companies put on the injured, and we’re here to provide you the representation you deserve. We will help you receive the compensation you may deserve for your injuries. Call us today for your free consultation.