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3 common mistakes made during car crash insurance claims

On Behalf of | Jul 24, 2024 | Car Accidents

Liability insurance coverage helps take some of the risk out of motor vehicle travel. People don’t have to worry about facing immediate and total poverty if they are at fault for a crash. They also have a reasonable source of financial support available when someone else is at fault for a collision.

It is common for people to expect insurance companies to provide them with reasonable support based on the total cost generated by a crash. Unfortunately, many people who file insurance claims do not necessarily get the amount of compensation they need and may find the claims process to be difficult and frustrating.

Small mistakes during the claims process can negatively impact someone’s chances of obtaining appropriate compensation. For example, the following insurance claims errors set people up for more challenges and less compensation.

Settling too early

Insurance companies frequently offer lump-sum settlements for large collision-related claims. Some people accept settlements because they have costs they need to cover as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the companies are eager to arrange settlements in part because a settlement agreement absolves the insurance provider of future liability. Reviewing the policy limits and the estimated cost of the crash can help people determine if a settlement offer is actually reasonable or if it is merely a ploy for the company to reduce what it pays.

Making a recorded statement without support

Insurance companies often ask someone to go on the record about the crash and their losses. The insurance professional handling the claim may act friendly but may ask leading and loaded questions in the hope of protecting the company from liability. Having assistance during any necessary recorded statement can help someone avoid mistakes that could limit their financial recovery.

Failing to follow the right procedure after the crash

Sometimes, the party at fault for a crash may ask the other driver to handle the matter privately instead of filing a police report. Compassionate people sometimes get taken advantage of after a collision by someone with no intention of truly fulfilling their obligations. Additionally, many people bypass medical care after a crash and may only seek out treatment if they develop very serious symptoms later. Delays in diagnosis can make it easier for insurance providers to deny someone coverage by claiming that there could be another reason for their condition.

Getting informed support from outside parties, including local law enforcement, a skilled legal team and medical professionals, can make all the difference for those in need of compensation following a collision. Learning from the mistakes that others make can help people mitigate the harm caused by a recent car crash. Insurance is there to help, but getting adequate support often means following the right procedures after a crash.
