If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog, serious injuries and losses, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering may have been sustained. If the dog attack was a serious, it is very possible that the medical bills alone could be tens of thousands of dollars and there could be lifelong physical consequences from those injuries. It is possible that the person who owns the dog can be responsible for these losses and injuries.
It is also possible that the owner of the dog does not have insurance to cover the claim. If this is the case, and there is no insurance, the owner of the dog would be responsible for paying any verdict out of their own pocket.
In many cases, especially if the dog owner rents, they may not have the financial means to compensate the injured victim. In this situation, the injured party may need to obtain a judgment, and even then, if they do not have the money to pay the judgment, it may never be paid. Which means the injured victim may not recover any compensation for some, or any, of their injuries and losses.
If the dog’s owner owns a home, the homeowner’s insurance will usually cover the attack. However, many apartment complexes will require dog owners to carry renter’s insurance, and the renter’s insurance is also likely to cover injuries and losses suffered in the attack. North Carolina also expands liability to landlords who allow dangerous dogs onto their rental property.
And finally, if the attack happens at a store and the store’s owner allowed a dangerous dog onto their property, the store owner could be held liable for a dog bite attack. For example, many stores allow any breed of dog into their store. If a dangerous breed is brought into the store and bites someone else, the store may be liable.
If you or a loved one is searching for an attorney after a dog bite attack, it is important to select an attorney who is experienced and familiar with laws pertaining to dog bites and the avenues available to seek recovery. The attorneys at Hardee, Massey & Blodgett, LLP are experienced in bog bite personal injury cases, and are available for free consultations. Give us a call today, 252-787-4627.